
Bubbleberry Strawberries, also known as Musk Strawberry, are a heirloom variety of Strawberry that was very popular in the 1800’s. These strawberries grew wild all over Europe, especially in England. They were eventually forgotten when the strawberry industry genetically modified strawberries to increase their size and ability to be stored for longer. The Bubbleberry is quite a small, light pink strawberry with amazing bubblegum and musk flavour. You will need another Strawberry plant(s) to cross pollinate to ensure fruit set.

They grow best in full sun but can tolerate partly shaded areas and prefer to have moist, well draining soil. They grow to about 30cm tall. Feed regularly with organic liquid fertiliser and add manure and compost to the pot you are planting in. It is best to prune off any berries that form in the first year of planting for the plant to grow roots in the soil. I know it’s hard to prune off fruit, but trust me, next year you’ll get an amazing crop!

Please note: the plants might be a different colour, or different size depending on the season.